Morrison, Temuera
Episode II: Jango Fett
Episode III: Commander Cody
The Mandalorian: Boba Fett
Visions: Voice of Boba Fett (english version)
The Book of Boba Fett: Boba Fett
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Veteran Clone Trooper

SW Celebration III 2005
SW Celebration IV 2007
SW Celebration Europe II 2013
SW Celebration Anaheim 2022
Morton, John
Episode V: Dak Ralter

SW Celebration V 2010
SW Celebration Europe II 2013
London Film & Comic Con 2015
Müller, Tobias
The Clone Wars: dt. Stimme von TV-94 & AZI-3
Lego - Die Abenteuer der Freemaker: dt. Stimme von Zander Freemaker
Fanboys: dt. Stimme von Harold "Hutch" Hutchinson

German Comic Con Frankfurt 2018
Muncke, Chris
Episode IV: Captain Khurgee

SW Celebration V 2010
Mungarvan, Mike
Episode IV: Stormtrooper

Collectormania Milton Keynes 2014
Munroe, Catherine "Cathy"
Episode V: Zuckuss & Wiorkettle

Movie & Comic Event 2008
Jedi-Con 2010
Power of the Force Con 2017
Mustoo, Terence
Episode V & VI: Imperial Officer
Episode VI: A-Wing Pilot

London Film & Comic Con 2010
London Film & Comic Con 2015