Davis, Annabelle
Episode VII: Thromba; creature and droid puppeteer
Solo: creature and droid puppeteer

SW Celebration Europe 2023
Davis, Harrison
Episode IX: Pommet Warrick

SW Celebration Europe 2023
Davis, Warwick
Episode I: Wald
Episode I & Solo: Weazel
Episode VI & IX: Wicket W. Warrick
Ewoks - Karawane der Tapferen & Kampf um Endor: Wicket W. Warrick
Episode VII: Wollivan
Rogue One: Weeteef Cyubee
Episode VIII: Wodibin
Rebels: voice of Rukh

Disney SW Weekend 1997
Krieg der Nikoläuse 1998
Jedi-Con 2001
SW Celebration III 2005
FACTS 2005
SW Celebration Europe 2007
SW Celebration V 2010
SW Celebration Europe II 2013
SW Celebration Europe 2023