The Clone Wars (Movie): Voice of Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Commander Fox, Clone Troopers
The Clone Wars (TV): Voice of Clone Troopers, Commander Thire, Jek, Rys, Commander Cody, Commander Wolffe, Boost, Sinker, Broadside, Captain Rex, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Cutup, Droidbait, Onocanda Farr, Commander Gree, Pilf MukMuk, Pirate Guard #2, Commander Bly, Thi-Sen, Slick, Hawk, Waxer, Commander Ponds, Robonino, Denal, Ord Enisence, Death Watch Assassin, Davu Golec, Police Droid, Admiral Trench, Trapper, Clone Cadet Jax, Bossk, Thug #2, Toydarian Minister #2, Moogan Captain, Guard #1, Superintendent, Secret Service Officer, Shopkeeper Droid, Arok the Hutt, Commander Fox, Mot-Not Rab, Feral, Knox, Delta 38, Toydarian Guard #1, Torture Droid, Saesee Tiin, Admiral Coburn, Comet, TZ-33, Sochek, Goron, Quarren Guard, Mon Cala Commander, Quarren Soldier #2, Monnk, Kindalo, Male Patitite #2, Rider #1, Hardcase, Jesse, Kix, Dogma, Tup, Appo, Boil, Togruta, Warthog, Zygerrian Technican, Nikto Guard, Quarren, Kage Warriors, Citizen, Rebel, Byph, Pirates, Navigator, Dr. Gubacher, Super Tactical Droid Aut-O, Gregor, Super Tactical Droid, Russo-ISC, Odd Ball, Police Officer #2, Jury Foreman
Rebels: Voice of Ephraim Bridger, Old Jho, Admiral Konstantine, Tie Pilot #2, Stormtrooper #2, Phoenix #3, Rex, Wolffe, Gregor, Imperial Technician, Rebel Pilot, Imperial Weapons Technician #1, Pipey, Imperial Officer, Wingman #2, Ugnaught Shopkeeper, Melch, Stormtrooper Guard #1, Red Pauldron Trooper, Stormtrooper #1
Resistance: Voice of Glem, Grevel, First Order Comm Officer, Egdir, Security Guard, Ugnaught Vendor, Stormtrooper #2, Dock Worker, Stormtrooper #1, Stormtrooper #3
Episode IX: additional voices

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