Autogramme & Conventions
Als Star Wars Fan und Autogrammsammler werde ich gelegentlich gefragt, wieso dieser oder jene DarstellerIn nicht zu Conventions kommt oder man liest Vorschläge in Foren, dass doch diese Person eingeladen werden sollte oder wieso denn die Kaufpreise bestimmter Signaturen so hoch sind usw.

Die Antwort auf solche Fragen sind vielschichtig, manchmal jedoch auch sehr einfach: Die Person weilt leider nicht mehr unter uns!
Nachfolgend eine Übersicht von bereits verstorbenen Personen, die mitgeholfen haben, dass wir uns heute noch mit Star Wars beschäftigen. Diese Liste ist nach Datum sortiert, hat keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und befindet sich dauerhaft in Arbeit!
Wer weitere Informationen hat, kann mich sehr gern kontaktieren.

Vielleicht hilft es auch, einigen Autogrammfälschern aus dem Weg zu gehen. Denn um ein konkretes Beispiel zu nennen, wie kann die Unterschrift von Peter Cushing auf einer Tarkin-Actionfigur echt sein, wenn die Figur erst nach seinem Tod erschienen ist???

Mit * sind die Personen markiert, die sich in meiner Autogrammsammlung befinden.

Todesdatum; Name (Alter); Charakter/Job; Episode(n)

1977-??-??; Charles E. Parker (66); special makeup effects cantina sequence; IV
1978-03-18; Leigh Brackett (62); screenplay; V
1979-??-??; Les Bowie (65); visual effects; IV
1979-02-11; Jerry Walter (53); Stormtrooper (voice); IV
1979-03-??; Adam Beckett (29); animation and rotoscope design: miniature and optical effects unit; IV
1979-06-01; John Barry (43); Production Designer & Director studio second unit; IV & V
1979-10-15; Jeff Moon (??); Cantina Patron, IV
1979-10-30; Graham Ashley (51); Gold 5; IV
1981-??-??; Ivor Beddoes (70); sketch artist; V
1981-08-21; Eddie Byrne (70); General Willard; IV
1985-02-16; Larry Ward (60); Greedo (voice) & Jabba the Hutt (voice); IV & VI
1985-05-??; James Van Trees jr. (72); optical printer operator: miniature and optical effects unit; IV
1986-07-14; Graham Freeborn (??); special makeup effects & chief makeup artist; IV - VI
1987-09-04; Richard Marquand (49); Director & AT-ST Driver; VI
1987-12-25; Joe Kaye (??); Solomohal; IV
1988-03-26; Barry Gnome (??); Kabe; IV
1988-06-16; Alf Mangan (??); Takeel; IV
1988-07-27; Luis De Jesus (36); Ewok; VI
1989-02-03; Lionel Newman (73); music supervisor; IV - VI
1990-04-20; Alex McCrindle (78); General Dodonna; IV
1990-07-07; Peter Sturgeon (77); Sai´torr Kal Fas; IV
1990-08-08; Douglas Twiddy (71); production supervisor; VI
1991-12-22; Morgan Upton (61); Stormtrooper (voice); IV
1992-03-02; Anthony Lang (??); BoShek; IV
1992-09-18; Herbert W. Spencer (87); orchestrations & orchestrator; IV - VI
1993-06-12; Greg Auer (55); miniature explotions: miniature and optical effects unit; IV
1993-09-23; Eileen Baker (46); Ewok; VI
1994-08-11; Peter Cushing (81); Grand Moff Tarkin; IV
1994-12-23; Sebastian Shaw (89); Anakin Skywalker; VI
1995-01-26; Pat Welsh (79); Boushh (voice); VI
1996-02-11; Brian Daley (48); Autor
1996-02-13; Scott Beach (65); Stormtrooper (voice); IV
1996-05-29; Jeremy Sinden (45); Gold 2; IV
1996-06-28; Ola Solum (52); assistant director: location second unit; V
1997-??-??; Reg Harding (65/66); Stormtrooper & Stunts; IV & V
1997-06-04; George E. Mather (77); production supervisor: miniature and optical effects unit; IV
1997-06-22; Don Henderson (64); General Taggi; IV
1997-10-13; Dick Gallegly (75); production administrator: miniature and optical effects unit; V
1997-11-??; Jack Purvis (60); Chief Jawa & Chief Ugnaught & Teebo the Ewok; IV - VI
1997-12-16; Pete Comandini (56); film restoration supervisor; IV SE & V SE & VI SE
1998-02-18; Gordon Davidson (51); sound editor; IV
1999-06-18; John Stears (64); special production and mechanical effects supervisor; IV
1999-07-21; Marc Boyle (53); stunts; V & VI
1999-08-??; Maurice "Morris" Bush (69); Dengar; V
2000-??-??; Marcus Powell (68/69); Rycar Ryjerd; IV & Holiday Special
2000-04-15; Arthur Morton (91); additional orchestrator; IV
2000-05-06; Stanley W. Sayer (82); matte photography consultant; V & VI
2000-08-05; *Alec Guiness (86); Obi-Wan Kenobi; IV - VI
2000-09-13; Shelagh Fraser (77); Beru Lars; IV
2001-02-24; Terry Liebling (58); casting director; V
2001-04-03; Ron Phipps (70); production accountant; V
2001-10-01; Ted Burnett (74); Wuher; IV
2001-10-15; Robert R. Rutledge (53); sound editor & foley editor; IV & V
2001-11-12; Heinz Petruo (83); dt. Stimme Darth Vader; IV - VI
2001-12-12; Francis Batsoni (89); Cabtina Patron & Imperial Advisor; IV & VI
2002-??-??; Maurice Gillett (??); gaffer; IV
2002-01-21; Isaac Grand (??); Cantina Patron & Gamorrean Guard; IV & VI
2002-03-04; Claire Davenport (68); Fat Dancer; VI
2002-05-09; Suki Stern (41); effects animator: ILM; VI
2002-05-21; Des Webb (??); Wampa; V
2003-??-??; Arthur Howell (??); Stormtrooper; IV
2003-11-05; Gilda Cohen (84); Cantina Patron; IV
2003-12-24; Guy Hudson (44); computer graphics artist & effects technician: production and mechanical effects unit; IV SE & V
2004-??-??; Carol Read (??); Ewok; VI
2004-03-27; Peter Diamond (74/75); Stormtrooper & Tusken Raider & Snowtrooper Gunner & Biker Scout & Stunt Coordinator; IV - VI
2004-04-17; Bruce Boa (73); General Riekaan; V
2004-04-21; Mary Selway (68); casting director; VI
2004-06-07; Don Trumbull (95); camera and mechanical design: miniature and optical effcts unit; IV
2005-02-16; Gerry Wolff (84); dt. Stimme Yoda; I & II
2005-04-29; John Jay (84); still photographer; IV
2005-05-03; David Batchelor (64); boom operator; VI
2005-06-20; David Tomblin (74); first assistant director & second unit director; V & VI
2005-07-25; Alf Joint (77); stunts; VI
2005-08-31; *Michael Sheard (67); Admiral Ozzel; V
2005-10-18; *John Hollis (77); Lobot; V
2005-10-23; *William Hootkins (57); Jek Porkins (Red 6); IV
2006-02-09; *Phil Brown (89); Owen Lars; IV
2006-04-01; Per Mörk (69); construction manager; V
2006-04-04; John Ghavan (58); Ewok; VI
2006-05-08; Philip Barberio (60); optical line-up: ILM; VI
2006-06-11; *Tim Hildebrandt (67); Artist
2006-07-19; Tim Condren (??); Stormtrooper; IV
2006-10-19; James Glennon (64); location director of photography; VI
2006-12-05; Michael Gilden (44); Ewok; VI
2007-01-06; Pete Kleinow (72); stop motion animator; V
2007-02-17; Peter V. Herald (86); production manager: second unit; IV
2007-02-23; Don Wortham (??); sound boom operator; V
2007-04-28; Ronnie Phillips (95); Ewok; VI
2007-05-18; Robert Johnson (62); stage technician; VI SE
2007-06-??; Michael Lamont (??); assistant art director; V & VI
2007-09-19; *Christine Hewett (64); Brea Tonika; IV
2007-10-21; Vic Ramos (77); Casting Director; IV
2008-01-??; Brian Doyle (77); unit publicist; IV
2008-02-06; *John Alvin (59); Artist
2008-05-22; Harry Lange (77); art director & set decorator; V & VI
2008-06-15; Stan Winston (62); Crew; Holiday Special
2008-07-19; Lata Ryan (??); production coordinator; VI
2008-10-10; Lance Brackett (64); stage technician: ILM; VI
2008-12-19; Ralph M. Leo (90); location auditor; IV
2009-01-14; Angela Morley (84); additional orchestrator; IV & V
2009-04-03; Tom Smith (88); chief makeup artist; VI
2009-06-29; Barry Robertson (??); Gamorrean Guard; VI
2009-07-??; Neil Swan (??); senior effects technician: production and mechanical effects unit; V
2009-08-26; Sadie Corre (91); Ewok; VI
2009-11-18; Richard Jones (64); Ewok; VI
2009-12-17; Dan O´Bannon (63); computer animation and graphic displays: miniature and optical effects unit; IV
2010-01-14; Mark Jones (70); Imperial Officer; V
2010-07-13; Alan Hume (85); director of photography; VI
2010-10-28; Maurice Murphy (74); musician: trumpet; I & III - VI
2010-11-27; Irvin Kershner (87); Director; V
2011-06-11; *Lightning Bear (63); Stormtrooper & Biker Scout; IV, V & VI
2012-01-01; *Bob Anderson (89); Lightsaber-Fight Double Darth Vader; IV - VI
2012-01-26; Ian Abercrombie (77); voice of Palpatine; TCW
2012-03-03; *Ralph McQuarrie (82); Illustrator; IV - VI
2012-12-??; *Colin Higgins (??); X-Wing Pilot; IV
2012-??-??; Kay Freeborn (??); makeup artist; IV - VI
2013-02-05; Stuart Freeborn (98); makeup supervisor, makeup and special creature designer; IV, V & VI
2013-04-15; *Richard LeParmentier (66); Admiral Motti; IV
2014-02-15; *Christopher Malcolm (67); Zev - Rogue 2; V
2014-02-14; *Malcolm Tierney (75); Lt. Shann Childsen; IV
2014-02-27; *Aaron Allston (53); Author 
2014-06-14; *Terry Richards (81); Wampa & stunts; V
2014-08-11; *Joseph "Joe" Viskocil (61); miniature and optical effects unit; IV & V
2014-10-05; *Barry Summerford (71); Stormtrooper; IV & VI
2015-01-05; Khan Bonfils (42); Saesee Tiin; I
2015-01-18; *Keith Swaden (75); Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, Hoth Rebel, Rebel Soldier; IV, V & VI
2015-02-04; *Richard Bonehill (67); Snowtrooper, Nien Numb (briefing room), Ree Yees; V & VI
2015-04-04; Vass Anderson (81); Rebel Escort, Hoth Rebel & Stormtrooper; IV & V
2015-06-07; *Christopher Lee (93); Count Dooku, Darth Tyrannus; II & III
2015-12-25; Jason Wingreen (95); Voice of Boba Fett; V
2016-02-09; Alethea McGrath (95); Madame Jocasta Nu; II
2016-02-14; Drewe Henley (76); Red Leader Garven Dreis; IV
2016-04-03; *Erik Bauersfeld (93); Voice of Admiral Ackbar & Bib Fortuna; VI & VII
2016-08-13; *Kenny Baker (81); R2-D2 & Paploo; I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII
2016-08-22; *Michael Leader (78); Stormtrooper, Imperial Trooper; IV, V & VI
2016-10-01; *Ian Liston (68); Wes Janson & AT-AT Driver; V
2016-11-22; Peter Sumner (74); Lieutenant Pol Treidum; IV
2016-12-27; *Carrie Fisher (60); Princess Leia Organa; IV, V, VI, VII & VIII
2017-06-05; *Andy Cunningham (69); Ephant Mon; VI
2017-07-15; *William Hoyland (73); Commander Igar; VI
2017-10-25; *John Mollo (86); costume designer; IV & V
2017-11-30; Alfie Curtis (87); Dr. Evazan; IV
2018-03-23; *Debbie Lee Carrington (58); Romba the Ewok; VI
2018-09-23; *Gary Kurtz (78); Producer; IV & V
2018-12-02; *Salo Gardner (82); Bar Patron; I, IV, VII
2019-03-17; Bunny Alsup (74); Crew: Assistant to Gary Kurtz; IV & V
2019-03-29; *Shane Rimmer (89); Incom Engineer; IV
2019-04-30; *Peter Mayhew (74); Chewbacca; III - VII
2020-01-25; *Alan Harris (81); Bossk, Bespin Guard Sgt. Merril, Leia´s Rebel Escort & Valorum´s Stand-In; I & V
2020-02-10; Patrick Jordan (96); Officer Siward Cass; IV
2020-03-08; Max von Sydow (90); Lor San Tekka; VII
2020-03-31; Andrew Jack (76); Major / General Ematt, Voice of Moloch & Dialect Coach; VII, VIII, RO & Solo
2020-03-31; *Tony Allen (74); Snowtrooper; V
2020-04-04; Jay Benedict (68); Deak (deleted scenes); IV
2020-12-17; *Jeremy Bulloch (75); Boba Fett & Cpt Colton; I, V, VI
2021-01-23; Trisha Noble (76); Jobal Naberrie, II & III
2021-04-16; *Felix Silla (84); Ewok, VI
2021-07-28; *Jonathan W. Rinzler (58); Author
2022-04-14; Rio Hackford (51); IG-11 & Riot Mar; The Mandalorian
2023-04-06; *Norman Reynolds (89); Production Design; IV, V & VI
2023-06-12; Treat Williams (71); Echo Base Trooper; V
2023-12-25; *Richard Franklin (87); Engineer Sirro Argonne; RO
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